Who is John Wills?
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Article: Jehovah's Witness child sex abuse survivor urges examination of NZ church
by AndersonsInfo inhttps://www.stuff.co.nz/national/108217408/jehovahs-witness-child-sex-abuse-survivor-urges-examination-of-nz-church.
tom hunt18:56, nov 11 2018. it started with movies and bowls, but soon luke hollis was a young boy performing sexual acts on a jehovah's witness man four-times his age.. to hear hollis, now 28 and living in wellington, talk of the ordeal that tormented him for years during his childhood in england, it is remarkable how matter-of-fact he is.. but he is the first to admit he has a vendetta against his former church.. he wants to see jehovah's witnesses held accountable and he wants the church to apologise.
but mostly, he wants it to fully shed its "two witness" rule – a policy he argues makes the church a beacon for child sexual predators.. read more: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/108217408/jehovahs-witness-child-sex-abuse-survivor-urges-examination-of-nz-church.
California's Attorney General is investigating Clergy Abuse 2018!
by cha ching infinally!
people have been working behind the scenes for years to see this opportunity happen!
be a part of this culture change!
cha ching
Finally! People have been working behind the scenes for YEARS to see this opportunity happen! Be a part of this culture change! Spread the word in California, and check your state for similar possibilities.
Do you know anyone who was sexually abused? Please help out and reply to the Department of Justice's request:
"In light of the news surrounding the sexual abuse of children by members of clergy or religious organizations across the country, the Department of Justice is gathering information from the public regarding complaints of this nature in California.
If you believe you have been a victim of sexual abuse or have information regarding incidents of sexual misconduct by clergy members, please fill out our online complaint form. If you would like to provide other information, please email [email protected]."
A question for you women; what was it really like for you being in the Org?
by Tallon inhi there folks.. i took a bit of time out from the forum, however i'm back again.. what was it really like for you, your experiences good or bad, etc, in the org?.
if you were granted a listening ear by the gb, what changes would you like to see implemented?.
cha ching
Spiral: My sister says, "the silver sword being sister proof" is to imply that "sisters" are always messing up their bibles (coffee, lipstick, dropping, crumming) (she says they probably got a great deal on the gray covers, and had to make an excuse for it)
The GB's modesty knows no bounds
by neat blue dog insarcasm intended obviously 🙄.
in the intro from the latest ezekiel book:.
as youread through its 22 chapters and meditate on thebeautiful illustrations found therein, you will beamazed at all the careful research that has goneinto its preparation.. they call themselves the faithful and discreet slave, but how discreet is it really to be constantly bragging about yourself?
cha ching
Under the radar.... "truth de jour" as in 'soup of the day/ truth of the day' .... whatever crap they feel like serving you, you had better be happy eating, LOVE it! Thx!
another JW molester is coming to light.
by NikL inthe article doesn't mention his jaydubness but he is and has been for years.. https://www.mymotherlode.com/news/local/456801/sonora-man-arrested-for-child-pornography-2.html.
cha ching
Robin Awalt, 75 yrs old, from Sonora... anybody know him?
When is a church not a church?
by Lost in the fog inthe watchtower and jehovah's witnesses go out of their way to insist that they are not a church like the false ones of christendom.
so why don't they file an irs tax return?
because, according to guidestar they are exempt, since they are a church.
cha ching
Whenever the WT says so ;-)
Funeral/Memorial at the Kingdom Hall ... Would you go?
by Wild_Thing inlet's say an aunt or uncle dies.
let's say you barely knew them.. let's say their memorial service was held at the kingdom hall.. let's say if you attend, you have to deal with shunning from family and jws, and you are forced listen to them present their paradise promotional materials, and the dead person's "earthly hope™", and let's face it ... the heeby-jeebies of having to be in a kingdom hall again.. would you put yourself through it?
cha ching
Good idea, Blondie... I like the idea of a card.. I have kept all of mine for years, and I do read them. Yep, a card lasts forever, and who knows? it just might make the bridge for someone.
When is a church not a church?
by Lost in the fog inthe watchtower and jehovah's witnesses go out of their way to insist that they are not a church like the false ones of christendom.
so why don't they file an irs tax return?
because, according to guidestar they are exempt, since they are a church.
cha ching
Right, and why does the WT use "clergy penitent privilege" in their lawsuits when they 'have no clergy"?
Why does the WT have all kinds of religions show up at their court case in Canada testifying for them Why does the WT need them? Why does it let them? Why would WT want to use "worldly laws" and ideas when THEY have 'the truth'?
My Mom's Challenge to Me
by lriddle80 inso my jw mom messages me on facebook last night and says she wants me, for a month, to read the bible, but first pray using the name jehovah and in jesus name and then read it with an open mind.
she is so ridiculous!
first of all, i do pray but i usually just say father and i always pray in jesus name and i find it ironic that she is saying i should have an open mind when hers is closed.
cha ching
After reading the Bible 'for a month, using the name Jehovah & doing so in Jesus' name", ask your mother to answer some questions that have come up, since she has been reading the Bible far longer than you have 'using Jehovah's name,' she must be able to answer these questions better than you, right?
Tell her that you have been watching the news, have read of the Catholic Church and their sexual abuse cases, and the court case recently won in Montana, USA, against Jehovah's Witnesses.
Remind her that the Bible says
(1 John 4:16-18) . . .God is love, and he that remains in love remains in union with God and God remains in union with him. 17 This is how love has been made perfect with us, that we may have freeness of speech in the day of judgment, because, just as that one is, so are we ourselves in this world. 18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love throws fear outside, because fear exercises a restraint. Indeed, he that is under fear has not been made perfect in love.
Tell her that you cannot understand how if God is love, how can he allow children to have fear? Fear of going to the KIngdom Hall to be molested? Fear of reporting to the police, and being reprimanded if they "bring reproach on Jehovah's name"? -
Funeral/Memorial at the Kingdom Hall ... Would you go?
by Wild_Thing inlet's say an aunt or uncle dies.
let's say you barely knew them.. let's say their memorial service was held at the kingdom hall.. let's say if you attend, you have to deal with shunning from family and jws, and you are forced listen to them present their paradise promotional materials, and the dead person's "earthly hope™", and let's face it ... the heeby-jeebies of having to be in a kingdom hall again.. would you put yourself through it?
cha ching
I know how you feel, Wild Thing...
Each person, with their own experiences, personalities, will have their different reasons to attend or not to attend.
Me? Though I would never want to hear another "memorial"/ advertisement/ recruiting talk, something inside me would want to 1. Make a statement: "Here I am, you shun me, but I am not afraid 2. Face what you have done, you can't have your happy little JW world without thinking of what you did. 3. Maybe, just maybe, someone wished they knew, are hoping to escape and need the support. 4. To observe it as a matter of history.
Just me, cha ching